Civil Servants's Loans

We are offering Loans, Solar kits, Televisions, Laptops, Bicycles, Fridges, Stoves, Gas tanks, Laptops, Tablets, beds, Cell phones, Cement, Broilers, Broiler concentrate, Wardrobes, motor vehicle spares ie tyres, service kit, suspension kit, batteries etc to your doorstep through SSB.

Take a loan and start a business this Winter. Start something your children will inherit.


⏺️We serve you seated at home 
⏺️We require *name* , *Ec Number* , *ID number,* *bank details,* *ministry* and *account number* 
⏺️Don't stress yourself travelling for more info just

 0715291232 or 0783831058, 0786244844

Inbox now: 
Get yours today at very low rates, we are the best

More than 200000 civil servants across Zimbabwe took these loans.

Remember deductions to start in July
The maximum we can give you is $100000

NB: We allow top-ups without clearing up anything as many times as you want per month.

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